Sunday 6 July 2014


Hi guys,

These are the mac powders i use. I really love mac powders and have been using mac since like forever! Guess i'm just comfortable with them, they dont break me out and i feel they really do look amazing on! Their powders and foundations look flawless, their eyeshadows and lip glosses are really pigmented, they have loads of shades of everything.... i can go on and on about how i feel about mac but i'm sure alot of you already know how great they are!
I use these powders in different ways and at different times... will put description bellow....

 (Top row L-R)- mac studio careblend pressed powder in medium dark, mac pressed blot powder in medium dark, mac studio fix powder plus foundation in NC42.
(Bottom row L-R)- mac mineralized skin finish natural in medium dark, mac mineralized skin finish natural in medium plus

(L-R)- mac studio fix powder plus foundation in NC42, mac studio careblend pressed powder in medium dark, mac mineralized skin finish natural in medium dark, mac mineralized skin finish natural in medium plus, mac pressed blot powder in medium dark

-I use the mac studio fix foundation when i want more full coverage and dont feel like wearing liquid foundation (i hardly wear liquid foundation to be honest, unless i have an event/function, and even when i do i have to set it with powder always), this is basically like liquid foundation but just powder, so much easier to wear with the warm weather in lagos. Gives a beautiful flawless matte finish.

-I use the mac studio careblend to set my bb creams, i also wear this alone a lot. It has a really silky feel, just love the finish of this, looks and feels really good, it isnt extremely matte has like a satin finish to it.

-I use the mac mineralized skin finish to set my bb creams and liquid foundations, its nice and light so doesnt look cakey at all, just gives the face a beautiful flawless finish. When you look at this powder in its case it almost looks like it has sheen in the powder but when you apply it on your face it really doesnt show, it just looks beautiful. I apply this alone sometimes too. I love this powder a lot, probably the one i use most. I have this powder in two differnt shades medium dark and medium plus, i use the medium dark all over my face and i use the medium plus to set my concealer under my eyes and t-zone for a highlighting effect (this shade is actually slightly lighter than my skin tone). I really love the new packaging too, so much better than the old one with the see through top, the old one felt flimsy and wasnt great for travelling, this new one feels really solid looks nice and sleek and comes with a mirror so great for touch ups on the go. love it!

-I use the mac pressed blot powder really for only touch ups, this is always in my bag, so when i feel my face is getting a little oily (this happens mostly on my t-zone after a few hours of applying my makeup) i'll just dab a little of this on, it's really light so perfect for touch ups, i mean it is a blotting powder so i guess thats what it is even made for really. I love this powder always comes in handy i tell u!

I apply all my powders with my mac182 buffer brush, mac150 large powder brush and elf studio powder brush. (obviously dont use all at the same time) But i have to say i definitely use the mac182 buffer brush the most, this is like my most used brush actually, i love this brush!

Well thats it for my mac powders.... Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Lots of Love,
Lin. xxx

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